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Fundraising for Causes

Proceeds from the events at Warren Community College benefit the following non-profit organizations.


Warren Community College Foundation


Since 1983 the WCCC Foundation has set its goals to support the Warren County college community through fundraising, grants, and community support. Because of the efforts of a unique group of community and business leaders who serve as Foundation Directors, thousands of students have been able to complete their studies and go on to successful careers or four-year colleges.


The Foundation relies on several major events a year for its funding efforts. Public participation is key to its success. Some of those major events are the Annual Golf Classic, Brew HaHa Comedy Night, and the Warren County Hall of Fame Recognition Dinner. A Scholarship Breakfast and/or Dinner is also a highlight of the year. More information about Warren Community College Foundation can be found here.



Fred Grotenhuis Memorial Scholarships


Warren County youth are eligible for the Fred Grotenhuis Memorial Scholarships. There are three separate scholarships made available. The first one is for students that around going the route of Trade School or Community Service. The second one is for youth with family members that served or are currently serving in the military. The third scholarship is for Drone Pilot Certification through an online course or at Warren Community College. The scholarship also covers the cost of the FAA Part 107 exam. 


More about the eligibility requirements and about Fred Grotenhuis can be found here. 



Fred T. Grotenhuis Veterans Community Center


The Fred T Grotenhuis Veterans Community Center’s mission is to preserve, develop, and empower the lives of those that have served in branches of armed services of the United States of America. 


Founded on the principles of camaraderie and patriotism, the intent is to provide every service member and their families the support and tools necessary to heal as they return to civilian life. 


The Fred T Grotenhuis Veterans Community Center will focus its resources in order to develop a true, local Veteran’s community.


This will be achieved through providing effective, holistic means of healing the mind and body. 


While the original mission was a future building, Covid19 reshaped that vision. 

Today our focus is an outdoor gym and supporting holistic programs organized by groups that focus on Veterans. We successfully raised $36,000 at the College Balloon Festivals, the Warren County Farmers' Fair, Yoga for Veterans classes and a few other efforts.


The gym was installed and dedicated in Harmony, Fred's hometown, on September 28, 2024.

























These efforts provide an environment were local, grassroots Veterans Group and Veterans can congregate, to support each other and connect with others. 


For more information contact Giulia Grotenhuis at





Thanks to our Balloon Festival Mega Sponsors & Supporters.

Warren Community College
Balloons Powered by GasTec
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NJ Division of Travel and Tourism

Flying Festivals of Warren County

PO Box 84,

Stewartsville NJ 08886


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