Warren County Farmers' Fair
& Hot Air Balloon Festival
Family Tradition
Saturday, July 26 thru Saturday, August 2, 2025
As Spring winds down and Summer is almost upon us, mark your calendar for this colorful and spectacular hot air balloon festival, in beautiful Warren County, New Jersey.
About the Warren County Farmers' Fair
The original Hot Air Balloon Festival first started in 2001 at the annual Warren County Farmers' Fair, in Harmony, NJ. This event today is more than a county fair. It's a balloon festival, traditional arts expo and farmers' fair - all rolled into one event.
Download the Brochure Here to Plan your Visit!
In addition to these other highlight events include:
Horse Shows
4H / FFA Shows, Exhibits and Competitions
Antique Tractor Show and Pulls
Demolition Derbies
Tractor and Truck Pulls
Kids' Corral - children activity area, free to fairgoers
Carnival Rides
Home & Garden Building
Entertainment - local bands, strolling artists
Lots of Great Fair Food
Balloon activity includes tethered rides and mass balloon launches in the evenings.
There is truly something for everyone at the Warren County Farmers' Fair, July 26 - August 2, 2025.
The GPS address for this event is 1350 Strykers Road, Phillipsburg NJ 08865. Please note it is a different address than the other events.
Visit their website at www.warrencountyfarmersfair.org for more information and full schedule of events.